Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blustery day in NYC

Early departure this morning from New York's LaGuardia airport. Quite windy today ( out of the north at 40 Miles per hour) as you can see from the wind sock ( orange cone on a stick).  Usually long taxi out delays when the winds are so strong due to  one runway operation.  

After takeoff when the weather is clear you have a nice view of the skyline of Manhattan.  

Reaching cruise altitude of 38,000 the air was smooth even though we had 90 kts of headwind most of the flight. 

The contrails from other aircraft usually looks like a giant etch-a-sketch. and makes for identifying traffic much easier on these old eyes.  

Arriving into the Twin cites area of Minneapolis and St. Paul  you can see the skiers still have some snow on Afton Alps for some winter fun. Uneventful landing and taxi into the gate and I can call it a day.

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